<論文> 体育授業におけるジェンダー体制の生成



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日本スポーツとジェンダー学会 〒590-0035 大阪府堺市大仙町2-1 大阪女子大学
人間関係学科 熊安貴美江研究室内
          Tel. 072-222-4811(内線)4354  E-mail: info@jssgs.org

The Formation of Gender System in Physical Education Classes:A Case of the Classes for Long Distance Running in High School


 The purpose of this study is to describe the process by which the gender system has been formed and re-formed in physical education through the observation of classes and interviews of PE teachers in a public high school in the Western area of Japan.
Paying attention to the context, in which the purpose and contents of physical education classes themselves introduce gender distinction and enhance control of gender order, this paper discusses some of the elements of the gender system in physical education.
The discussion shows three elements and their relationship: @ The mainstream of masculinity A The centering on men and marginalization of women B The justification of gender order.
Although physical education can set various aims and learning processes in teaching long distance running, the unconscious mainstreaming of masculinity introduces the respect of competition which results in the pursuit of higher records and winning, and sets a tough mind and body as the main objective.
As the consequence of this aim and process, the comparative gender difference of sport performance is emphasized and leads to the reinforcement of gender order.
In addition, it is important to give different values in good sport performance when applied to boys and girls.
The demonstration of gender difference through sport performance and the fact that sport is more attractive to boys because of the combination of sport and masculinity encourages the centering on men and marginalizing of women.
At a result, sport performance itself and the attitude of boys and girls toward sport shows the gender difference clearly, and introduces the view that the gender characteristic is natural, and gives the ground for the justification for using gender order: large use of gender category, gender difference in standards and motivation.

Key Words: Physical education classes, Gender system, Co-education, Formation of gender, Theory of gender characteristics



キーワード:体育授業 ジェンダー体制 男女共習 ジェンダー形成 男女特性論