2004年度 共催講演会 講演抄録

日時:2004年10月9日(土) 15:00〜17:00
会場:大阪市立大学学術情報センター文化交流室 最寄り駅 阪和線 杉本町
      会場URL http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/map/map.html
講演者:Kari Fasting教授(ノルウェー体育大学、前国際スポーツ社会学学会会長)
      ※ 通訳有
      ※ 講演抄録はこちら

Gender Mainstreaming and Sport
Professor Kari Fasting

 The European Commission has made a commitment to gender mainstreaming in the 1990s as a new approach to promoting gender equality. What gender mainstreaming really is, and how it is defined differs, and the paper starts with a discussion of the concept itself, and also a critique of it. As an example of a definition the following is mentioned "Gender mainstreaming is the systematic integration of gender equality into all systems and structures; policies, programs, processes and projects; into cultures and their organisations, into ways of seeing and doing" (Rees 2002, p.2)
 But what does this really mean? Equality is often defined as " that women and men have the same rights, obligations and opportunities in all the main fields of life; women and men share power, influence and responsibility in all sectors of the community". According to Rees mainstreaming seeks to identify the ways in which existing systems and structures are 'institutionally sexist', - however unintentionally and however sub-consciously - and to neutralise the gender bias. Gender mainstreaming can be looked upon as an approach to producing policies and processes that seek to benefit men and women equally, but many sport organizations haven't been very concrete. Gender mainstreaming seems to have become a popular slogan, but if changes are going to occur it has to be followed up in practice. Concrete example of what gender main streaming in sport could mean is presented and discussed.


 欧州委員会は、ジェンダー平等を促進するための新しいアプローチとして、1990年代にジェンダーの主流化に対し精力を傾けてきた。ジェンダーの主流化とは実際のところ何なのか、また、それはどのように定義されるのか、には意見が分かれており、委員会のレポートはこの概念そのものに対する議論やさらにその批評から始まっている。定義の一例をあげれば、次のようなものである。「ジェンダーの主流化とは、すべてのシステムおよび構造の中に、ジェンダーの平等を系統的に染み込ませていくことであり、つまり、種々の政策・計画・手順・企画の中に、文化や文化を構成するものの中に、また、ものの見方や行い方の中に、ジェンダーの平等を染み込ませていくことである」(Rees 2002(p.2))
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